I have avoided posting on the steam tunnels until now because they are quite common knowledge compared to many of the roofs I have explored. However, there are some regions that are not so common, particularly the hospital and steam plant areas (it is now more difficult to access these areas since they have newly locked off gates that lead to them). I do not yet have pictures of these areas for you, but now that I have a camera I will return sometime to give you a snapshot of what it's like. I do have a couple cell pics of entering the steam plant via the tunnels. I am also throwing in some quality snaps taken by a former student which I thought were cool.The locked entrance to one of the main steam plant buildings.

This was around 2:30 in the mornining but there are workers in here around the clock I believe (although only a couple at night of course). I actually heard voices while I was in there and had to hide while people walked by...it was a little unnerving

Please forgive the blurr. Yes that's a random workout bench right there.

Still in the steam plant.

Kindly informing the public that this area is not wheelchair accessible.

These pics were taken elsewhere

i love that last pic
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