Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Rotunda

So there was painting scaffolding up around the Rotunda--a major opportunity to summit its dome with ease. When I drove by it and saw the scaffolding, I knew I had to try that night while I had the opportunity before they took it down. However, I had not slept in three days because of a ridiculous week of finals and was going home to crash. I set my alarm for 3:00am, but I was so tired that I slept through it and slept all the way until the next day. I woke up slightly bummed for not going, then, when I passed by the Rotunda that day, I couldn't believe my eyes--they had taken down the scaffolding!

So like a fool I missed my golden opportunity. I can only hope that they put the scaffolding back up after graduation to take down whatever camera's and junk they put up there. Otherwise I will have to wait until next year, or attempt another way up. I have thought of two other ways up but they are rather elaborate and I would only try them as a very last resort.


Anonymous said...

Good sir, you missed out. All I have are blurry camera pictures, but it was glorious. some people got arrested the night after us though.

Shadow Monkey said...


Anonymous said...

They took down the scaffolding after me and five others got arrested that night. It was a shame. The view was lovely.

I'm glad to have found your blog, though sad I didn't find it earlier.