Saturday, April 25, 2009

More Chem & Hospital

The weather was amazing tonight so I had to head out. Also I have pretty much reversed night and day for my body-clock, unfortunately, due to the crazy load of work this week. Three all nighters in a row with a couple hours of sleep here and there in the day between classes. But that's done, and so is the 20 page paper researched and written in two days.

I discovered a new entrance to the old steam tunnel system by the hospital and steam plant. This is quite helpful since the gate in the middle of the system is now locked, which prevents anyone from entering those tunnels when coming from the more typical entrances by Clark or Brown.

I showed one of my friends the front roof of the chemistry building as well as the amazing collection of hospital and medical school rooftops. I did not take all that many pics since I already have some of the hospital in an older posting.

Pardon the blurr...

Chemistry Building: